I purchased two more stila palettes (floral chic palette and trendsetting in tokyo, the collectible travel pallete no. 3).
The floral one was $1.37 and the Tokyo one was $1.39. Have a look at them before I fixed them up. WARNING: Pretty nasty.
Gross, right? With the help of cotton swabs, cotton squares, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer with a high alcohol content, I fixed these babies up.
The first one with the deep blue is trendsetting in Tokyo and the second is floral chic.
The colors:
I decided to use pics this time because of the super glittery black shadow that just has a peace sign...like, with a hand.
These palettes were just SWATCHED. hehe.
Top are the floral chic shades. I started both of these rows with the convertible colors.
After I took the pictures, I realized that when I was closing the Tokyo palette, sake, the shade that was super destroyed, had powdery fall-out all over the place. I mixed two eye drops onto the surface of the shadow making it really creamy. Now it's dry. There's less fall-out when the shade is sealed. But once you use quite a bit again, add a drop or two more. A bit of a pain. Oh well.
The eye-drop trick is great if you're traveling with a very powdery shadow. It also can turn a shadow into a nice liner, and it's a lot cheaper than products like this. Plus you might already have some around. :)
And I did pick up the nail art polish in black.