Hey guys-
Just wanted to give you the names of a few blogs I am constantly checking.
Reviews and tips galore! There are sooo many posts, I love this blog.
Found this through the makeup and beauty blog (there are guest posts sometimes), I love a change of perspective on makeup. A male high-school makeup artist. Interesting, right?
A YouTube guru who is adorable and funny. Plus she knows her stuff! Good combination.
My favorite YouTube guru. I wish she posted more often. I love her videos. Her blog is less beauty, more her life. I'll be posting about her recent blogsale in the near future.
She's pregnant, and hasn't posted for a while. But I love her!
I am a new reader of Lauren's blog, but I love it so far. She is a MAC addict (to be fair, she's a makeup artist) and absolutely stunning. She is also the one and only follower of this blog, hehe.
I hope I become one of your favorite bloggers!
P.S. Leave me a comment about what beauty blogs you check, or your fave YouTube gurus.